What Do Moles & Mole Holes Look Like

What is a ground mole, and how can you identify its presence in your yard or garden? Moles are small, rodent-like insectivores that live underground, spending most of their time digging intricate tunnels to find worms and insects, feeding mainly on earthworms, but they also feed on snails, slugs, millipedes, and centipedes. They actually prefer to eat insects and rarely feed on vegetation, but their underground tunnels can wreak havoc in your garden and lawn, and give other rodents easy access to your plants.

Mole bodies are covered with gray or black fur, but they have prominent, hairless snouts that extend nearly a half-inch in front of their mouths. Other identifying features are their hairless front claws that are oversized in relation to the rest of their bodies. These large, spiky appendages help moles effortlessly cut through and move significant amounts of soil. Since they spend so much time underground, their eyes are extremely small and concealed in fur to keep out dirt.

If you notice a significant invasion of moles or similar pests, it may be a sign of trouble. Moles use the tunnels they dig as both passageways and nests, and can live almost anywhere there is diggable soil. They prefer soil that is shaded, cool, moist, and full of worms and grubs, which accounts for their presence in your local park, as well as your home lawn and garden. Moles are usually found where soil is rich in organic matter, and their presence in unusually large numbers might be due to a high population of soil pests, and serves as a warning that all is not well with the soil life in that area. TDI Biological Lawn Services can help ensure you have biologically healthy soil by incorporating the proper soil conditioners when treating your lawn.

What should you look for if you suspect mole activity on your property? You will rarely see a mole above ground, unless you manage to catch one in a trap. Uneven surfaces are a good sign that a mole has taken up residence in your yard. Tunnels vary in depth from 3 to 30 inches. Normally, moles dig deep, with their tunnels usually at least ten inches underground, but they could be much closer to the surface if your mole is searching for a mate. If a mole does not burrow deep enough when digging its tunnels, ridges will form in the area where they have been digging. The tunneling action of moles weakens the ground, kills the grass above, and creates an uneven surface, forming trip hazards for anyone walking across these surfaces, and leaving depressions that can snag lawn equipment like your mower, causing it to become stuck or damaged. If you see raised mounds of dirt in your yard, you could have a mole problem.

To determine if you truly have a mole or moles in your yard or garden, contact the professionals at TDI Biological Lawn Services. We will evaluate your property’s specific needs and determine the most effective course of action to treat your lawn or landscape.